Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Struggles

The New York City Health Department has created something called the Rat Information Portal, a website dedicated to rat control. You can find out if your neighborhood has a rat infestation problem by clicking on a map (ominously labeled RIP Viewer) that's supposed to show which buildings have been investigated. Chances are, if your building is so overrun with rats that the Health Department actually declares it a problem, you already know about it, but maybe this is for prospective home buyers. Anyway, I can't figure out how to work this map, because none of the areas I click on show any rats, even though I see them all the time.

It's over with Fatty and I think I'm going on a break from dating because it drives me crazy. So much deception, so many annoying habits that just get harder and harder to ignore, and in Fatty's case, so many violations of basic personal hygiene rules. It's a sacrifice, my dating sabbatical, because it's essentially taking a vow of celibacy, which I've heard can lead to psychosis. Luckily, I have a substitute: my Eroscillator, which, unlike a man, is consistently satisfying.


meredith said...

just an innocent question, but how many breaks from dating does this one make?

Ellie said...

Heh. Three? Ish?