Friday, March 13, 2009

Fake it til you make it?

I should be nicer. I've come to this conclusion. Yet something holds me back - I'm not a nice person. Will I be a fake if I suddenly start acting nice? Or is that something everyone does? Is everyone just as mean as I am? The only reason I want to be nicer is because I want people to be nicer to me. I want to go out with a nice guy. Does everyone act nice just so people will be nice to them? Interpersonal relations are not my strong suit, so I'm honestly not sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe if you just smile more and talk less you can fool people into thinking you're nice without actively faking it. kinda like when you're not supposed to tell someone a secret so you have them guess it and touch your nose if they're right and tug your ear if they're wrong. maybe.