Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fuck it, I'm sexist

Everything is sort of falling apart; I don't know if I care.

I've been thinking about sexism a lot lately, and the conclusion I've come to is this: everyone is sexist, and they need to own it. We all need to say, We are sexist, because it'll force us to realize that sometimes, when we make generalizations about women or men (but mostly women, por supuesto), they're just our retarded biases. People are always saying things like, "Well, I'm not sexist, but women are biologically programmed to be caretakers/can't control their emotions/just aren't funny/are all bisexual and want to be watched doing it with other women/have too much power." (Racists are the same way: "I'm not racist, but black people just aren't smart/Asian women are all after white guys' money/Jews control the media.") If they admit they're sexist, take out the, "Well, I'm not sexist, but..." part, they may realize, hey, I'm making ridiculous, unfounded statements, and even though I sometimes think these things, I have to take a step back and analyze why I think this way.

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