Sunday, December 28, 2008

Accidentally pro-ana?

Just a question: has anybody else noticed that people who are recovering from anorexia frequently get terrible acne all over their faces? I haven't known many anorexics, but the ones I did know, their skin was fine until they started eating again, and then they got major acne. I did a Google search for "anorexia acne correlation" but only got that sometimes people become anorexic because they have terrible acne. Has this really never been studied? I feel like it should have been - everyone's always going on about how you live longer on a calorie-restricted diet, so someone must have noticed that restricting calories affects skin. Or did I imagine it? Maybe it's just that you're not supposed to go up to a recovering anorexic and say, "Oh, I'm glad you're feeling better, sweetie, but your skin used to be so much better..."

1 comment:

meredith said...

as a recoveree myself, i'd like to say that while, yes, my acne got worse once i started eating, my skin was in fact overall pastier and creepier and sicklier while i wasn't eating... i would be curious to see if there's a correlation, though. you should propose it to... someone.