Saturday, January 31, 2009

Confession Corner: Drugs

I went to Columbia, that hotbed of sin, last night. There were free drinks, which was nice, and then my friend was like, "I am going to use cocaine. Would you like some?" and I said no because I'd get addicted immediately - I know this. Then she offered me Adderall and I was like, well, that can't hurt, it's just a little blue pill. So I had two and kind of fell asleep. I think I have reverse brain chemical interaction syndrome. Or maybe it was just that the alcohol overpowered the Adderall. Then I got my energy back like four hours later and I wanted another one, but it didn't happen. Anyway, the moral of the story is: I can never take Adderall again or I will get addicted, and those pills are $5 each, which adds up to money I don't want to spend on something I can't wear on my feet. But if I had unlimited money, like a fortune, I'd definitely get into drugs. And plastic surgery.

All in all, last night was really fun. I got to have some girl-talk. I didn't realize how much I missed it. The nice thing about girl-talk is that it's so cozy. You just hang out with your girlfriends, watch them snort cocaine, and talk about body issues. It's awesome.

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