Thursday, January 29, 2009

New: Tampax Condoms

Oh my god, you guyz, I got sooooooo pissed off in Duane Reade today. I was in the feminine hygiene section, comparing prices on the different douches, when I stumbled upon a (frankly, somewhat limited) selection of condoms. In the feminine hygiene section. Now, maybe I'm just not operating my vagina correctly, but since when are condoms used for feminine hygiene? They don't cure yeast infections or mop up menstrual blood or clean out your piercings. They're baby blockers, made to fit over a penis. A guy's penis, not a (presumably unhygienic) female penis. Not only does Duane Reade's super-retarded condom placement suggest that birth control is exclusively a female concern (further evidence for my belief that all men want in life is a baby), but it discourages guys from buying condoms. What kind of guy is going to walk into a drugstore and go, "Wow, buying from the feminine hygiene section totally reaffirms my masculinity"? The only guy who would brave that section is a non-retarded guy, i.e. a woman. Anyway, I complained to the manager, who said that the section divisions were planned out by HQ and I'd have to talk to them. Whether or not I have that kind of energy remains to be seen.

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