Thursday, January 15, 2009

The loss of innocence

I've been thinking about innocence, and I don't think it has much to do with sex. I think you lose your innocence the second someone rips your heart out and uses it to fertilize their lawn. You can have anal sex with five gazillion guys and still be innocent, because you don't suspect anyone of being able to really hurt you, and you can sleep with one guy (or, theoretically, remain a virgin) and when he breaks your heart, you've lost your innocence. I guess that's the appeal of dating younger people, their distinct ability to trust strangers. Unfortunately, all the younger guys I meet are my brother's retarded friends, and while some of them are cute, all of them are idiotic.

In lighter news, the dog is sitting on my butt as I type this. She is so perfect. Sometimes I worry that I'll never be able to love my own children the way I love her.


Selina said...

So can you repeatedly lose your innocence?

Ellie said...

I have no idea.